
Publisher: 新北市:校园书房 [ All ]

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  Title Copies
Edition: 初版 
Year: 2016 
21世纪基督教新约导论(Introduction To The New Testament: Context, Methods& Ministry Formation, An) 
Edition: 初版 
Year: 2013 
21世纪基督教新约导论(Introduction To The New Testament: Context, Methods& Ministry Formation, An) 
Edition: 初版 
Year: 2013 
21世纪教牧伦理学(Pastoral Ethics In The 21st Century) 
Edition: 初版 
Year: 2021 
21世纪新约背景主题辞典(上册A~L)(Dictionary Of New Testament Background) 
Edition: 初版 
Year: 2022 
21世纪新约背景主题辞典(下册M~Z)(Dictionary Of New Testament Background) 
Edition: 初版 
Year: 2022 
21世纪旧约神学-从历史与叙事描绘以色列的福音(Old Testament Theology: Israel's Gospel) 
Edition: 初版 
Year: 2022 
丁道尔新约圣经注释:以弗所书(Tyndale New Testament Commentaries: Ephesians) 
Edition: POD版 
Year: 2010 
丁道尔新约圣经注释:使徒行传(Tyndale New Testament Commentaries: Acts) 
Edition: POD版 
Year: 2017 
丁道尔新约圣经注释:加拉太书(Tyndale New Testament Commentaries: Galatians) 
Edition: POD版 
Year: 2010