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丁道尔旧约圣经注释:何西阿书(Tyndale Old Testament Commentaries: Hosea) 
Edition: 初版 
Year: 1998 
ISBN 13: 9789575875763 
Series: 研经丛书 
如何阅读一本书(How to Read A Book) 
Edition: 三版 
Year: 2016 
ISBN 13: 9789570530629 
新约解经手册(New Testament Exegesis) 
Edition: 初版3刷 
Year: 1997 
以西结书· 但以理书注释 
Edition: 初版 
Year: 2002 
ISBN 13: 9789570358902 
死海古卷(Dead Sea Scrolls, The) 
Edition: 初版 
Year: 2014 
ISBN 13: 9789624886597 
Series: 圣经知识库 
威明顿圣经辅读:卷下(Willmington's Guide To The Bible: Vol. II) 
Edition: 再版 
Year: 1989 
ISBN: 9622306594 
与马同跑:耶利米书的非凡人生(Run With The Horses: The Quest For Life At Its Best) 
Edition: 1版 
Year: 2009 
ISBN 13: 9787305064432 
慕迪神学手册(Moody Handbook Of Theology, The) 
Edition: 初版 
Year: 1991 
ISBN: 9622026664 
Edition: 初版二刷 
Year: 2012 
ISBN 13: 9789622087293 
Edition: 4 
Year: 2021 
ISBN 13: 9789861983615