
Category: 245 教牧学 [ All ]

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  Title Copies
跨文化门徒训练:全方位灵命塑造(Intercultural Discipleship: Learning From Global approaches To Spiritual Formation) 
Edition: 初版 
Year: 2019 
Series: 宣教系列 
真爱真言- 论教会中的辅导(Speaking Truth In Love- Counsel In Community) 
Edition: 初版 
Year: 2010 
第3次牧养革命:关系式牧养的更新与再思(Relational Pastor: Sharing In Christ By Sharing Ourselves, The) 
Edition: 初版 
Year: 2019 
唤醒平信徒- 门徒训练的原理与实际(Called To Awaken The Laity) 
Edition: 初版1刷 
Year: 2011 
Edition: 初版 
Year: 2006 
布衣神仆- 在你的职业上建立祭坛 
Edition: 初版 
Year: 1998 
Series: 祭司丛书 
危机四伏的呼召-教牧事奉独特而艰巨的挑战(Dangerous Calling: Confronting The Unique Challenges Of Pastoral Ministry) 
Edition: 初版 
Year: 2013 
上帝宣教之民-再思地方教会的目的(God's Missionary People: Rethinking The Purpose Of The Local Church) 
Edition: 初版1刷 
Year: 2005 
Series: 宣教系列 
Call No: 245
南圣 03360
Edition: 初版1刷 
Year: 2017