
Publisher: 新北市:校园书房 [ All ]

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  Title Copies
丁道尔新约圣经注释:马太福音(Tyndale New Testament Commentaries: Matthew) 
Edition: POD版 
Year: 2010 
Edition: 初版 
Year: 2013 
丁道尔新约圣经注释:彼得后书、犹大书(Tyndale New Testament Commentaries: 2 Peter & Jude) 
Edition: POD版 
Year: 2012 
圣经信息系列-马可福音(Message Of Mark: The Mystery Of Faith, The) 
Edition: POD版 
Year: 2012 
牧者的翱翔-毕德生的40个牧养笔记(Pastor: A Memoir, The) 
Edition: 初版4刷 
Year: 2019 
圣经信息系列- 玛拉基书:不要忘记神的爱(Message Of Malachi, The) 
Edition: 初版 
Year: 2016 
ISBN 13: 9789861984926 
灵性操练真谛(Spirit Of The Disciplines: Understanding How God Changes Lives, The) 
Edition: 初版9刷 
Year: 2019 
撒母耳记上下- 耶和华看人的心(Message Of Samuel- Personalities, Potential, Politics And Power, The) 
Edition: POD版 
Year: 2017 
尼希米记- 变动世代中的神仆(Message Of Nehemiah: God's Servant In A Time Of Change, The) 
Edition: 初版 
Year: 2013 
Edition: 初版 
Year: 2020